

Lemongrass essential oil has refining properties that make it  ideal for skincare. These properties help to eliminate pollution, detoxify the skin and leave it feeling spotless and clear. It reduces excessive oiliness, gently exfoliates the skin, cleanses all skin types, unclogs pores, strengthens skin tissues and slow down aging 

Benefits of Lemongrass soap:

  • Lemongrass soap is usable as a body, hand soap and for the face too
  • Helps improve the skin by toning tissues and by reducing pimples, so this soap bar might help fighting acne
  • A gentle soap that’s good for all ages
  • Great for all skin types, but best for oily skin
  • Lemongrass has a mild astringent action that helps to open pores
  • Lemongrass is so special for the skin as it balances the skin’s natural oils leaving it clearer and healthy
  • Lemongrass is a refreshing, uplifting essential oil that energises the mind and body
  • It has the anti-bacterial and the antifungal properties and is an effective deodorant
  • The concentration of natural vitamins makes our Lemongrass soap incredibly nourishing and moisturising


Note: Any slight irregularities are distinctive and are inherent to the color and shapes of our soaps as it is precisely crafted by hands.